
Click the expandable bars below to see notices.

Permitted uses - for information only

24/139SW 36-13-7-W4 (13501 Rge Rd 71) Use approved: Move on a new mobile home as a 2nd residence. Date issued: July 23, 2024.
24/140SE 5-15-2-W4 (15010 Rge Rd 24) Use approved: Construct a 9,200 sq. ft. accessory building for agricultural use. Date issued: July 23, 2024.
24/241NW 6-11-7-W4 (11029 Rge Rd 80) Use approved; Home occupation — Prairie Sunrise Solutions — office use only. Date issued: July 23, 2024.

24/131NW 4-12-6-W4 (12031 Rge Rd 64) Use approved: Home Occupation – Flag Five Inc. – Office use only. Date issued: July 9, 2024.

Note: No appeal is available for the issuance of a development permit for a permitted use unless the provisions of the land use bylaws have been relaxed, varied, or misinterpreted.

Discretionary uses

24/150SE 30-10-3-W4 Use approved: Installation of a 4 acre gravel pad, with the temporary placement & operation of a concrete plant, with conditions. Date issued: July 23, 2024.

24/42SW 13-10-5-W4 Use approved: Construct a 4000 sq. ft. Operations and Maintenance Building to support the wind project, with conditions. Date issued: July 16, 2024.
24/129Plan 1312914 Block 1 Lot 1 Use approved: Move on a 12’ x 24’ cabin, with conditions. Date issued: July 16, 2024.
24/132NE & SE 27-9-3-W4 Use approved: Commence temporary gravel crushing operations six (6) days per week to be completed in October 2024, with conditions. Date issued: July 16, 2024.
24/133Plan 3130B Block 5 Lots 1-3 (95 South Railway Ave. Irvine) Use approved: Placement of a 8’ x 20’ seacan storage container, with conditions. Date issued: July 16, 2024.
24/137Plan 1612191 Block 10 Lots 32 (130 Dunes Way, Desert Blume) Use approved: Construct an 84 m2 (904 sq ft) pool house with 4.9m (16 ft) variance to rear yard setback and 74.3 m2 (800 sq ft) in-ground pool with 3.3m (10.9 ft) variance to rear yard setback, with conditions.

24/125SW 2-18-2-W4 (18011 Rge Rd 22) Use approved: Move on four (4) RTM mobile homes, with conditions. Date issued: July 9, 2024.
24/130NE 3-12-5-W4 (5215 3rd Ave. Dunmore) Use approved: Construct a 10’ x 40’ scale shack on skids to replace the previous building that was destroyed by fire, with conditions. Date issued: July 9, 2024.

Development permit does not take effect until twenty-one (21) days from the date of this notice.

Any person affected by a development permit for a discretionary use may appeal the decision in writing stating reasons for the appeal. The appeal shall be delivered either personally or by mail to the Cypress County office, no later than 21 days following the date of this notice to Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. There is a $300 fee for the first appeal received on an application.

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Cypress County will offer for sale, by public auction, at the Cypress County municipal office Council Chambers, Dunmore, Alberta on Wednesday, March 26, 2024 at 10 a.m. the following lands (see table below).

Each parcel will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title.

The land is being offered for sale on an ‘as is, where is’ basis and Cypress County makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, land use districting, building and development conditions, absence, or presence of environmental contamination, or the developability of the subject land for any intended use by the Purchaser. 

Cypress County may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction.

Terms:  Cash, Bank Draft, Certified Cheque. Payment in full must be received within 21 days following the date of the auction.

Redemption may be affected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale.

Dated at Dunmore, Alberta, March 13, 2024

Steve Toews, Designated Officer

Public hearing - Land Use Bylaw amendment

Cypress County council held a public hearing with respect to the passing of the following bylaw as shown in the Land Use Bylaw amendment 2024/13.

A public hearing on the matter was held at the Council Chamber of the Cypress County administration office in Dunmore at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

The amendment was approved by council.

Public hearing - Land Use Bylaw amendments

PURSUANT to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, being Chapter M-26 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, and amendments thereto, the Cypress County council held a public hearing with respect to the passing of the following bylaw as shown in the Land Use Bylaw amendments 2024/10 and 2024/11.

A public hearing on the matter was held at the Council Chamber of the Cypress County administration office in Dunmore at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

Both amendments were approved by council.

Public hearing: Land Use Bylaw amendment

PURSUANT to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, being Chapter M-26 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, and amendments thereto, the Cypress County Council held a public hearing on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 in respect to the following bylaw: Bylaw 2024/02 – PN SW 23-12-5-W4 and Plan 121 2818 Block 1 Lot 2, FROM Country Residential District 1 TO Agricultural District 1  

The bylaw was approved.

Notice of application: Water Act (Wild Rose 2 Wind Inc.)

Notice is given that the Wild Rose 2 Wind Inc. has filed an application under the provisions of the Water Act to temporarily disturb and reclaim 0.948 hectares and to permanently disturb 0.267 hectares of wetlands associated with the Wild Rose 2 Wind Power Project, at the NE-07-010-04-W4M, SE-07-010-04-W4M, NE-01-010-05-W4M, SW-28-009-04-W4M, NE-28-009-04-W4M, SE-29-009-04-W4M, SW-28-009-04-W4M, NE-29-009-04-W4M, SE-08-010-04-W4M, SW-08-010-04-W4M, SW-28-009-04-W4M, SE-18-010-04-W4M, SE-35-009-05-W4M, SW-04-010-04-W4M, NE-05-010-04-W4M, NE-12-010-05-W4M, SE-21-009-04-W4M, NE-28-009-04-W4M, NE-32-009-04-W4M, NE-29-009-04-W4M, SE-15-010-05-W4M, NW-08-010-04-W4M, SW-24-010-04-W4M, SW-08-010-04-W4M and SE-08-010-04-W4M.

Any person who is directly affected by this application may submit a Statement of Concern within 7 days of the date of this notice.

To submit a Statement of Concern, sign into the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS) using a or MyAlberta Digital ID for Business (MADI-B) account.

The written statement of concern should include the following:

Quote the case number: DAPP0068711

  • Describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Water Act
  • Explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activity and/or diversion of water proposed in the application
  • Provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer where the concerns described are believed to be applicable
  • State the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site in the application
  • Contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer. Please provide the telephone number and email address for ease of contact.

Environment and Protected Areas will review each written Statement of Concern, seek more information if necessary, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject their written submission as a valid Statement of Concern.

Statements of Concern submitted regarding this application are public records which are accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a Statement of Concern may affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.

Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:

Sohail Aslam
Senior Project manager
Capstone Infrastructure Corporation
155 Wellington Street West, Suite 2930
Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3H1

Notice of application for a licence for the temporary occupation or use of a road allowance

Notice is hereby given that Travis Yeast of Cypress County has made application to Cypress County, Dunmore for a licence to temporarily occupy or use the following road allowance(s):

All that portion of statutory road allowance adjoining the east boundary of the southern 100 meters of the northeast quarter of Section thirty two (32); Township twelve (12) Range four (4) west of the 4th Meridian.

Any protest against the granting of the above mentioned licence must be must be forwarded to Cypress County, 816 2nd Ave, Dunmore AB  T1B 0K3, within thirty days from the date of this notice.

Dated at Dunmore, Alberta

Name: Travis Yeast; Date:  May 21, 2024

Notice of application for a licence for the temporary occupation or use of a road allowance

Notice is hereby given that Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd. of Cypress County have made application to Cypress County, Dunmore for a licence to temporarily occupy or use the following road allowance(s):

All that portion of statutory road allowance adjoining the east boundary of the northeast quarter of Section twenty seven (27); and the east boundary of Section thirty four (34); all in Township twelve (12) Range three (3) west of the 4th Meridian.

Any protest against the granting of the above mentioned licence must be must be forwarded to Cypress County, 816 2nd Ave, Dunmore AB  T1B 0K3, within thirty days from the date of this notice.

Dated at Dunmore, AlbertaName: Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd.

Date:  May 7, 2024